In addition to lectures and classes, AMSI Summer School offers a range of social and extra-curricular activities to help you see your research in a new light, make friends and get the most out of your Summer School experience.

Opening Ceremony

Welcome to Day 1 of your Summer School! Come to The University of Sydney or log in online and meet the team who will be your hosts and guides for the next four weeks. Grab a seat and hear from our Keynote Speaker, Payne-Scott Professor Nalini Joshi AO.

Where: Eastern Avenue Auditorium F19.02.201, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus
and online (Zoom link will be posted on Canvas prior to the event)
When: Tuesday 7 January
Time: 10.00am – 11.00am (AEDT) (Please make note of the time in your local time zone if attending virtually)

Participant Talks

Exchange ideas, build networks and explore how others are using mathematics to solve real world problems and further the discipline.

Participants will take turns to give a ten-minute presentation to AMSI Summer School peers. Participants are encouraged to ask questions at the conclusion of each talk and build collaborative networks throughout these sessions.

Participants will vote for their favourite talks. Presentations with the most votes will win up to $400 in prizes.

Where: Carslaw Lecture Theatre 275 (F07.02.275), The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus
and online (Zoom link will be posted in Canvas)
When: Wednesday 8 January
Time: 1pm – 3pm AEDT
(light refreshments will be provided)

For more information, tips on presenting and to submit an abstract, please visit our participant talks page

Citadel Securities Quant Challenge

Join the team from Citadel Securities for an interactive quant challenge! Team up with friends to solve puzzles and test your problem-solving skills. There are prizes to be won, so bring your phone and a collaborative spirit for an enjoyable experience that will both challenge and entertain.

Where: ABS Lecture Theatre, 1130 (H70.01.1130), The University of Sydney
When: Tuesday 14 January
Time: 12.00pm – 2.00pm
(Light refreshments will be provided)

Careers Day

Discover the career paths can you take with a maths, stats or data science degree

Attend the AMSI Careers Day and explore the diverse career pathways available to mathematical sciences graduates. Mathematics, statistics and data science are critical to so many careers across all industry sectors! Talk to potential employers, get your employment questions answered and be inspired by the endless opportunities.

Where: Susan Wakil Health Building (D18.03.321), The University of Sydney
When: Thursday 16 January
Time: 11.30am – 2.30pm
(Light refreshments will be provided)

Find out more

Special Lecture Series
The Poincaré Conjecture
Presented by Dr Timothy Buttsworth, UNSW

Join us as Dr Timothy Buttworth talks us through the Poincaré Conjecture – it’s background and definitions, tools that can be used to address problems in topology and the breakthroughs in finding a solution to one of the seven Millenium Prize Problems.

Where: Carslaw Lecture Theatre 275 F07.02.275, Carslaw Building, The University of Sydney
When: Thursday 16 January
Time: 3pm – 4pm

Where: Carslaw Lecture Theatre 275 F07.02.275, Carslaw Building, The University of Sydney
When: Monday 20 January
Time: 3pm – 5pm

Find out more

Brain Teaser Battle with Susquehanna

Ruminate while you numerate for a chance to win a prize! The Brainteaser Battle is a puzzle contest, where you will work with others to solve puzzles that feature a unique blend of quantitative reasoning and out-of-the-box thinking. More challenging than your typical sudoku, and more fun than your typical math problem set. This is a team-based event with 3-4 participants per team. Sign up as a full team, or sign up as 1-2 participants and we will assign you to a team. Free food will be provided! Spots are first come, first served.

Where: Room 350 & 351 (F07.02.350 & F07.02.351), Carslaw Building, The University of Sydney
When: Monday 20 January
Time: 5.15pm – 7pm
(Light refreshments will be provided)

Public Lecture
My Mathematical Journey: From Play to Sea!
Presented by Dr Jordan Pitt, The University of Sydney

Spend an evening with Dr Jordan Pitt as he delivers his public lecture My Mathematical Journey: From Play to Sea!. This presentation is free, open to the public, and tailored for an audience from Year 10 onward.

Where: Susan Wakil Health Building D18.03.321, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus
and online (Zoom link will be sent to registered participants and posted on Canvas prior to the event)
When: Wednesday 29 January
Time: 5.30pm – 6.30pm AEDT (Please make note of the time in your local time zone if attending virtually)
(Light refreshments provided at 6.30pm)

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