“It is a great opportunity to meet people with similar research
interests and friends for life. Highly recommend doing it
at least once.”

João Vitor Pinto e Silva, University of Newcastle

Participant Talks

Exchange ideas and explore how others are using mathematics to solve real world problems and further the discipline.

We are accepting abstracts ( approx. 100 words) for the AMSI Summer School 2024 Participant Talks session.

  • Share your research or project with peers from across the country
  • Expand your networks
  • Develop your science communication skills
  • Be in the running to win up to $400 in prizes!

How to participate:

  • Submit a 100 word abstract about your research or project via the form link below
  • Present a 10 minute presentation to your peers at AMSI Summer School (presentation lengths and timings will be confirmed closed to the event)
  • The best presentations (as voted by Summer School attendees) will win up to $400 worth in prizes

We encourage all AMSI Summer School participants to get involved!

Tips for presenting

  • The talk does not have to be about research already conducted. If you are at the start of your Honours year you may want to present about the thesis/research question you propose to investigate
  • Consider the impact and/or innovation of the research/work
  • Many people suggest 1 slide per minute.
  • Make sure you have preloaded your slides and tested them ahead of your talk
  • Remember that there will be participants outside your direct discipline watching your talk. It is important to ensure that your talk can be understood by a general mathematics audience, and to avoid overly technical details.

Key Dates

Abstract submissions open
Abstract submissions close
Participant talk presentations begin